

Between january 29th and 31, an event named “Sessiz Çığlık” (Silent Scream) was held in Süleyman Demirel University’s guest house, with approximately 70 attendants. A project with the same name was organized by Genç Girişimci Grup. The group is composed of university students and alumnis who were subject to 40% and above level of disability. Our foundation has supported Genç Girişimci Grup by any means, both financially and spiritually; and helped them with publicity efforts. A goal of the project is to publish humorous, dramatic and tragic stories of disabled individuals, and their relatives’ both as printed and audio books.

On february 4th, both the president of our foundation and Turkish National Paralympic Comitee, A. Yavuz Kocaömer attended to a live TV show, presented by –economist and journalist- Mustafa Selçuk, and Hande Karagöz. TV show was titled as “Hesapsız Sohbetler” and the subject of discussion was disabled individuals in Turkey.

On march 11, TESYEV’s 19th meeting of board of directors was held in Plaza Hotel with the attendance of 39 directors. Board of directors, and board of auditing  was elected for the 2010-2012 period.

On march 18th, photography exibition of photographer Lara Sayılgan was held in Blackk Kuruçeşme. Profit generated from the sales of photographs was donated to our foundation. The exhibition was sponsored Black&White.

On march 23rd, participating to the TV show “Dünyamız Detay” presented by Senem Ilgaz on TRT Türk, our foundation’s president A. Yavuz Kocaömer discussed about Turkey’s nomination to Olympic and Paralympic Games.

As a result of signed contrat with Puma sportswear on march 30th, Puma donated the profit generated by selling t-shirts for its organization of foosball tournament in certain shopping malls in Ankara and Eskişehir.

On april 14 and 15, in Istanbul Klassis Golf & Country Club, 1st Turkey International Paralympic Golf Tournament was held with supports and contributions of TESYEV. 33 athletes have participated the challange from 11 different European countries, and challanged in 4 different categories based on their disabilities. In category D, Turkish National team member, Mehmet Kazan gained the championship title. The award ceremony was held on april 15th with the attendance of Minister of Sports, Faruk Nafiz Özak, in Klassis Golf Club.

On may 8th, the 6th TESYEV Scholars Meeting was held in The Green Park Hotel. 250 scholars of highschools and universities shared their problems and discussed for solutions with our president A. Yavuz Kocaömer, general manager Berrin Altınöz, and members of board of directors, Kerim Altınok and Selim Altınok. At the end of the meeting, Kerim and Selim Altınok gave the participants a good time with their musical performance.

On may 18, at Sunset Grill&Bar our event named “Sevgi Paylaştıkça Büyür” was held. The special guest of the event, researcher and journalist Uğur Dündar gave a speach. Also, the book titled “İşte Hayatım”- a biography of Dündar- written by Nedim Şener was presented as a gift to the participants. The profit generated from the organization was donated to our foundation.

Between june 21 and august 27, with the cooperation of our foundation and Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Youth and Sports Department, 5th Kuşadası Youth Camp was held. 7 different periods of camp was held between the dates. During the camp, sportive activities, and art activities such as drama, folk dances, hand crafting were made. Between june 21 and 28 Saray Rehabilitation Center, july 1 and 8 Sümer Job School Youth and Sports Club, july 11 and 18 Elazığ Education and Application School, july 31 and august 7 Giresun Special Athletes Youth and Sports Club, august 10 and 17 Zonguldak Special Athletes Sports Club, and august 20 and 27 Malatya Turgut Özal Special Kids Sports Club joined our camp.

Between july 9 and 17, 2nd International Paralympic Youth Summer Camp was organized in South Korea. From Turkey, Germany, Holland, Greece, and South Korea 10 athletes whose 10% with sight disability, and 70% with physical disability  attended to the camp with their companions. During the camp, presidents of Turkish and S. Korean Paralympic Commitee Presidents, A. Yavuz Kocaömer and Seok-Yong Yoon signed sports, athlete and trainer development protocol. All the expenses of the Turkish crew was subsidized by SPOR TOTO and our foundation, TESYEV (Türkiye Engelliler Spor Yardım ve Eğitim Vakfı.)

President of our foundation, A. Yavuz Kocaömer was not able to attend the 1st Year Night of “Quality of Magazine” magazine which was held on 26th of july in Su Ada due to his business. However, on the date our president has returned to his office, Gamze Alpar -the editor of the magazine- and reputable journalist Salih Keçeci visited Kocaömer in his office. The purpose of the visit was to introduce him and his foundation Quality Honor Award due to their efforts spent for disabled people. Our president has received the award from Gamze Alpar.

On september 2nd in Kemer Golf Country Club, a motivation picnic was held for individuals and their families who receive scholarship and rehabilitation subsidies from TESYEV. While entertaining by animators, the youth was also able to meet with the managers of the foundation.

On november 25 in Istanbul Dedeman Hotel, a board meeting was held with participation of 79 delegates. With the meeting, board of directos, board of auditing, rating commitee and disciplinary commitee was determined. Also, our president A. Yavuz Kocaömer was again elected as chief executive.

On december 3rd, World Disabled Day, our president A. Yavuz Kocaömer was invited by governer of Adana to a conference named “Yaşama Engel Yoktur” as a speaker.

Also as TESYEV, we still continue our wreath application for your happy and sorrow days; assisting individuals who are in need and sports club who are federated. Besides, our president A. Yavuz Kocaömer continues to write his columns in Posta newspaper every Monday, and Milliyet newspaper on every Saturday, trying to expand his range of support.